Saturday, February 13, 2010

whoah man

So my legs are super sore tonight, and i didn't even skate half the time! All my gear came except for the skates. I've been told they should be here by tuesday. I squeezed into 2 sizes too small skates, OUCH! The floor excercises were really hard. Planks are going to kill me, I definitely need to try to do plank position every day just while watching tv or something. Also need to keep up crunches and leg lifts if nothing else.

Other than that, not feeling too good tonight. I was hoping to go help with sewing soap, but I fell asleep, so hard that my alarm didn't even wake me up. Then I was still so tired, I just went back to sleep and slept for a couple more hours. Woke up with my legs hurting. So i guess it's a good sign that I at least worked hard enough to be sore today! but it definitely makes me scared for doing a full workout. But then I will have my own skates that will fit, so maybe that will help. We ordered shirts, so I'm excited for that!

I definitely need to be more patient, I don't tend to like not being good at something right away, and this is definitely something that will take a lot of work before I am any good. Just need to hang in there and work hard and keep my eye on the future!

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