Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Still waiting for my butt to heal. I went to the doctor on monday, and he said that I could get X-Rays done but it's not worth it, since there's nothing they could do if it were broken. I don't think I actually broke my tailbone, since it's been feeling gradually better. I thought it was feeling a lot better yesterday until my geology lab, when we had to walk around campus looking at the marble and such on buildings. After that, I was hurting pretty bad, Fortunately, this weekend many of the girls will be in bremerton at the big wild west showdown, so there isn't a real practice saturday anyway. I had been planning on still going and skating with the girls that are still here, but I think I'm going to just take it easy this week. Hopefully the following week I'll be well enough to get back on the skates! I did make a little handout flyer, haven't heard much back about it, so I don't know if they really like it or not, so i'll just post my current draft!

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