Tuesday, March 23, 2010

i'm back

Back in pullman, never skated over spring break, that was a big bummer. My plans to skate on saturday got canceled, so i'm excited to get back on them this next saturday. I really need to do more excercises to get my leg muscles more developed, so I can skate around bent at the knee and not be in pain. Need to do wall sits, I was told to time my wall sits and do them longer each time. I want to start doing that, had planned on doing it over break, but just never did. Other than that, i'm just doing school stuff, also meeting with the marketing team for derby on wednesday. That should be fun too!

Friday, March 19, 2010

oh man!

decided to check my bloggy, and noticed that i completely forgot to write about skating in lewiston last wednesday. Ya, more than a week ago. I am completely behind the times. Well it was an interesting experience. It was dollar night, and the place was completely OVER RUN with pre-teens. It was a bit of a nightmare. They were drama-tastic, small groups arguing with other small groups and sending the stink eye across the place. The building was very very small, so it was crowded. I definitely missed the good old times at the Lynnwood roll-a-way, and the fun skating parties. Which made me realize the last time I had been to a skating rink, i was on of those pre-teens running all over the place, but hopefully not as obnoxious as those kids. I know for a fact, I wasn't cussing anyone out, or sending angry texts, so I already know I was on a higher level. I honestly didn't skate that much, partially due to my hurt ass, and partially do to I'm lazy and out of shape. I can't skate that long, and it's embarassing and sucks. Speaking of sucking, I still do. I started to get a hang of the body shifting, and being able to move without falling, but it was so crowded, and the floor was really bumpy, so I didn't skate for long at a time. Going to Paddison's West on saturday with courtney and her little sister, and hopefully it won't be as ridiculously crowded, and I can get some good skate practice in. In other news I'm reading Whip It. It kind of sucks. I liked the movie, but the book just stinks. I really don't like Bliss in the book. She decides to try Roller Derby, and immediately is fantastic at it with little to no work at all. She does that in the movie too, but doesn't go straight to being a show off quite so quickly. In the book she really is a jerk too, she doesn't care about anyone but herself, completely ditches her friend with no thought about it, and just in general does only what she wants, and doesn't really care what anyone thinks, but not in the good way, cause she's really just a jerk. I want to see the movie again to see if maybe i just didn't notice how much of a jerk she was in the movie, but I really didn't think she was that bad. Plus the movie focused on roller derby as the number one, and in the book it's kind of background fodder, more of a place setting and something that's supposed to make us think she's cool. I'm hoping to finish it before I go back to school, so I'll see if I feel any differently by the end. Good luck to anyone who read all that, maybe I shouldn't write at 2:38 in the morning with I have thoughts running crazy through my head.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


So i've been on a kind of temporary hiatus from derby. First I hurt my butt, then I got sick (and still have a hurt butt) and now I'll be going home for spring break. So I won't be skating with the girls again until March 27th. Hoping to get some skate time in at home so I can actually get better at skating before I skate with the girls again. Still impatient to just be better, but haven't been on skates in a couple weeks either. Here's to getting back on the horse?